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Source Based Essay

Rhetorical Analysis of Four Sources on Healthy Diet

Xiaoqin Jiang

Samantha Bellamy 

English Composition 


In the academic journal “How to make healthy-ish meals in residence” Holly Morrison claims that students like to eat simple and convenient. For example, Ramen, chicken fingers and the occasional burrito. However, these foods often do not provide enough nutritional value for people. In this situation, students should pay attention to their diet to make their lives healthier. They can put some broccoli and a fried egg when they are making Raman or make a substantial breakfast by a sweet pepper, three eggs and cheese. The most important point is to stock their fridge because some eggs, bread, milk, rice, and vegetables are the key to improve their diets.

The article “Juice can be part of a healthy diet, but it’s better to eat whole produce instead” Cara Rosenbloom argues that in the United States, most children like to drink fruit juice, the main reason is that it tastes good and the parents think fruit juice can provide vitamin C to kids, but fruit juice often contains high sugar. Kids who drank a few fruit juices are fine, but if consumed in large amounts, the juices can lead to tooth decay, diabetes and other diseases. And the natural sugar content of fruit juice doesn’t mean it’s any healthier than sugar in coke. In addition, most commercial juices are pasteurized to reduce the risk of E. coli or salmonella, and this leads to result in loss of nutrients. Therefore, eat whole fruit is better than drink juice.

The article “Healthy Diet, Healthy Brain: Smart eating may help support brain health and optimal cognition as you age’’ Densie Webb states that people who stick to a healthy diet can prevent cognitive decline as their age because diet is about brain connections. Moreover, eating these beneficial nutrients such as B vitamin folate, vitamin E, omega-3 and so on could help control chronic inflammation.

In the website “Aramark, American Heart Association On a Mission to Improve Health, Diet of Millions of Americans” Osborne Jesse speaks that American Heart Association wants to plan a purpose that to make better food choices for Americans and improve Americans’ diets and health because the survey found that the seventy-two percent of American adults have a poor diet and nearly 70 percent of American adults are overweight or obese.

Rhetorical Situation:
The academic journal “How to make healthy-ish meals in residence” should be known to the general public because the author thinks diet is an indispensable part of our daily life, particularly college students. It is necessary for people to realize that they should diversify their meal. A good meal plan can affect student’s learning status and energize students.

The publisher thinks the article “Juice can be part of a healthy diet, but it’s better to eat whole produce instead” should be shown to people because most people only know that drinking juice can supplement vitamin C and tastes good without knowing the risks to bring people.

Densie Webb thinks the article “Healthy Diet, Healthy Brain: Smart eating may help support brain health and optimal cognition as you age’’ should be known to the masses because the article of the information is very important for those who have Alzheimer’s disease or people whose memories are falling. They can improve or control their illness through a healthy diet.

The publisher thinks the website should be shown to Americans because if the Americans increased their consumption of fruits and vegetables to meet current public health recommendations, then that will save 127,000 lives of each year. Also, having a good diet can prevent and cure some diseases.

The Tone and Purpose:
The academic journal “How to make healthy-ish meals in residence” says: “So fire up those microwaves and make sure you brought your best mug, because there are only so many cafeteria meals one human body can take.” Since the words “fire up, make sure, and brought”, so the tone should be advisory. And this journal shows that students should not neglect their meals to save time. Students should form good eating habits, and this journal offers many healthy and delicious recipes as a reference. A great meal could make people eat more nutritious food.

In the article “Juice can be part of a healthy diet, but it’s better to eat whole produce instead” says: “Kids consume more juice than any other age group, which is problematic if it displaces other nutritious foods.” Since the words “consume, problematic and displaces”, so the tone should be cautionary. And this article tells people should reduce to drink juice, although juice can be part of a healthy diet, but juice will not detox your body and boosts your immune system. Furthermore, Cara Rosenbloom suggests that it’s better to eat the whole fruit instead of juice because you can get more fiber and cut down on sugar.

In the article “Healthy Diet, Healthy Brain: Smart eating may help support brain health and optimal cognition as you age’’ says: “A healthy diet can even slow cognitive decline in stroke survivors, who are twice as likely to develop dementia compared to the general population.” Since the words “ healthy diet, slow, and cognitive decline” so the tone should be serious. And the author wants to tell us that healthy foods can help prevent and treat the risk of cognitive decline. The most important thing is a good diet will reduce inflammation in the brain and even throughout the body.

In the website, it says: “American Heart Association and Aramark (The largest US-based food service provider)will work together to improve Americans’ diets and health by 20 percent by 2020.” Since the words “work together, improve, and health” so the tone sounds like sincere. And the author wants to show the reader that people should reduce intake of calories, saturated fat, and sodium levels. They should eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains. These changes will control Americans’ weight and keep healthy.

The Audience:
In the academic journal “How to make healthy-ish meals in residence” says: “Ramen, chicken fingers and the occasional burrito; the diet of a student living in residence can often leave much to be desired.” (Paragraph 1, line 1) So, we can know that the audience is college students who live on campus because when students read this article, they can easily cook the recipes which is a better alternative to junk food.

In the article “Juice can be part of a healthy diet, but it’s better to eat whole produce instead” says: “WHO recommends adults and children reduce intake of free sugars to less than 10 percent of total calories”. (Paragraph 5, line 15) This shows that the main audience are parents and adults because this article reminds parents should not provide juice to their children. If parents do that, they can only provide a small amount of juice to their children because juice is not the best choice to get vitamin C for kids. And adults who love juice should stop drinking it because excessive juice will lead to some diseases.

In the article“Healthy Diet, Healthy Brain: Smart eating may help support brain health and optimal cognition as you age’’ says: “a healthy diet could mean the difference between staying sharp into old age or developing dementia or Alzheimer’s disease”. (Paragraph 1, line 3-4) This shows the audiences are middle aged and elderly people because people who are in these two ages most likely to develop dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Thus, they can read this article to know what kind of food is best for them.

The website’s main audience is American adults because the article “Aramark, American Heart Association On a Mission to Improve Health, Diet of Millions of Americans” says: “Seventy-two percent of American adults have a poor diet and nearly 70 percent of American adults are overweight or obese, according to the American Heart Association.” ( Paragraph 3, lines 10-11) This shows that most Americsn adults have irregular diets, so this article focuses on adults who want to get fit.

The Genre:
The genre of the article “How to make healthy-ish meals in residence” is journal because it is a short literary composition that reflects the author’s outlook on the healthier options for college students .

The genre of the article “Juice can be part of a healthy diet, but it’s better to eat whole produce instead” is an essay because this article shows the author’s opinion that eat whole fruit is healthier than juice, and the author provides some evidence to prove it.

The genre of the article“Healthy Diet, Healthy Brain: Smart eating may help support brain health and optimal cognition as you age’’ is an essay because this author cites some scientific evidence and other relevant sources to support his research.

The genre of this website is newspaper because this article recording recent events, makes the reader realize the importance of this matter, and tells the reader some useful diet plans which help people to build awareness of healthy eating.

The Stance and Language:
In the academic journal “How to make healthy-ish meals in residence” Holly Morrison thinks students should face up to their daily diet because good eating habits start from basic foods like bread, milk and eggs the little things. The language is logical in this article because the author’s paragraphs are clear, and every step of the description is very detailed. For example, the article mentioned that “Ramen Upgraded-What You’ll Need: a kettle/microwave, some ramen, an egg, broccoli (substitute any vegetables) and No Effort Yogurt Parfait-What You’ll Need: yogurt, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, granola, a cup.”

In the article “Juice can be part of a healthy diet, but it’s better to eat whole produce instead” Cara Rosenbloom’s viewpoint is simply eating fruits and vegetables instead of juice not only save money but also reduce the risk of consuming too much sugar. The language is formal in this essay because the author uses specific data and examples to demonstrate her opinion. For instance, the article mentioned that “In fact, the World Health Organization doesn’t even classify the sugar in juice as natural sugar. And getting more than 10 percent of calories from free sugars is linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, Type 2 diabetes, dental cavities and some types of cancer.”

In the article “Healthy Diet, Healthy Brain: Smart eating may help support brain health and optimal cognition as you age’’ Densie Webb feels that people should pay attention that diet is related to brain and physical health, and preventing diseases in advance can make a good life. The language is logical in this article because the author describes many technical terms and quotes to express his argument in this article. For example, the article mentioned “The Mediterranean and DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), DHA (docosa-hexaenoic acid, found in fish oils), carotenoids, etc. And a survey conducted by the AARP showed that people who typically eat fish or seafood every week report better cognitive function, compared to those who never eat fish or seafood.”

In the website “Aramark, American Heart Association On a Mission to Improve Health, Diet of Millions of Americans” Osborne Jesse feels that health is mainly based on eating habits, good eating habits can bring unexpected benefits to people and he appeals people to do it. The language is normal because his words contain a lot of sincerity and make the reader think the article is valid. For example, the website mentioned that “Our mission at Aramark is to ‘Enrich and Nourish Lives’ and we can use our scale and culinary expertise to help people lead healthier lives,” said Eric J. Foss, Aramark Chairman, President and CEO.”

All in all, the similarities the above four articles are as follows that suggest people should care about their daily eating habits and encouraging people to eat more fruits, vegetables, fish, and cereal. The main differences are the audiences are different, because they can be teenage, parents, middle aged and elderly people. What’s more, these four articles are interrelated because they all revolve around a healthy diet.

Work Cited

Morrison, Holly. “How to make healthy-ish meals in residence -.” UWIRE Text, 3 Sept. 2019, p. 1. Gale Academic Onefile, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A598227876/AONEu=cuny_ccny&sid=AONE&xid=2056facd. Accessed 19 Nov. 2019.
Rosenbloom, Cara. “Juice can be part of a healthy diet, but it’s better to eat whole produce instead.” Washington Post, 7 Aug. 2019. Gale Academic Onefile, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A595790933/AONE?u=cuny_ccny&sid=AONE&xid=8fe3f9f0. Accessed 19 Nov. 2019.
Webb, Densie. “Healthy Diet, Healthy Brain: Smart eating may help support brain health and optimal cognition as you age.” Environmental Nutrition, Aug. 2018, p. 7. Gale Academic Onefile, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A547902610/AONE?u=cuny_ccny&sid=AONE&xid=cf804f72. Accessed 19 Nov. 2019.
The website: https://www.aramark.com/about-us/news/aramark-general/healthy-for-life-20-by-20